At-Will Employment Does Not Mean Wrongful Termination
Just because you work in an at-will employment environment where your employer is permitted to fire employees for almost any reason or for no reason at all, this does not mean that your employer is exempt from federal, state and New York City anti-discrimination laws. If you believe you are the victim of improper or illegal termination, you need to contact a Bronx wrongful termination lawyer to protect your legal rights.
At-Will Employment
If you are employed at-will, your employer does not need good cause to fire you. Employers in the state of New York are free to adopt at-will employment policies. In most situations, unless an employer gives some clear indication that it will only fire employees for good cause, the law presumes that you are employed at-will.
However, even if you are an at-will employee you still have certain rights under the law. You cannot be fired for reasons that are illegal under state and federal law. In these situations, the government has decided to make an exception to the general rule of at-will employment. In other words, if you were fired for an illegal reason, you should hire a Bronx wrongful termination lawyer because you may have a wrongful termination claim.
Wrongful Termination Claims
One of the most common types of wrongful termination claims filed by employees is for termination based on discriminatory practices. All employers in the state of New York are subject to federal, state and New York City anti-discrimination laws prohibiting the firing of employees on the basis of race or color, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or other protected category.
Another common type of wrongful termination is based on the violation of whistleblower laws. These laws are specifically designed to protect employees from retaliatory termination if they report allegedly illegal activities to the appropriate state or federal agency.
Thus, even if you work for an at-will employer, you should hire a Bronx wrongful termination lawyer as you may have strong wrongful termination suit if you can show that you were fired based on the violation of anti-discrimination laws or in retaliation for reporting your employer to state or federal officials.
Contact Us
If you believe you are the victim of a wrongful termination, call the Law Offices of DelmasCostin, Jr. at (718) 618-0589 to schedule a complimentary consultation with a Bronx wrongful termination lawyer.