Employees and former employees who are suing their employers should take note of an important development and take measures to protect themselves. In essence, companies increasingly are using an anti-fraud computer law more liberally to go after employees who misuse their computer systems. If you are the subject of such a lawsuit it is important that you work with a Bronx employment law firm that will fight for your rights.
A Bronx Employment Lawyer Explains the Law
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S. Code §1030) is a federal statute passed into law in 1994 to counter the proliferation of hackers who try to access computers without authorization. While the law was designed especially to protect federal computer systems, its use has been extended to those used in private companies. While your Bronx employment law firm will tell you it is certainly appropriate for a company to protect sensitive information and systems, more and more employers are using CFAA to punish employees who sue the company.
A Bronx Employment Law Firm Explains How the Law Is Applied
The intent of the law was, as mentioned, to protect companies from fraud and hacking. However, its use has been extended to cover almost any sort of misuse of company computers. If, for instance, you used a company system to access your Facebook page or private email, you can be accused of violating the act. Your Bronx employment lawyer will tell you that there is considerable disagreement on how extensively this law should be applied, your best bet is simply to avoid using a computer belonging to the company or its systems for any sort of personal use even if the computer has been assigned to you.
Work with a Bronx Employment Lawyer
If your employer is suing you under the CFAA, you could face potential civil, and even criminal, penalties. An employment lawyer can help. Call the Law Office of Delmas Costin, Jr. today to arrange a consultation at 718-618-0589.