Your deposition will be a key piece of evidence in your employment lawsuit. This is your opportunity to tell you side of the events. Before your testimony, your Bronx employment law attorney will have you thoroughly prepared. This will require you to go over the facts of the case and to practice answering questions. During the practice sessions with your Bronx employment law lawyer, you’ll be provided with many helpful hints to help you present a strong case.
Getting Comfortable
Your Bronx employment law attorney will stress the desire for you to be comfortable during your deposition. This isn’t an interrogation. Instead, it is a straightforward question and answer session where you only need tell the truth. Thanks to the preparation from your Bronx employment law lawyer, there shouldn’t be any surprise questions. These questions might be worded differently than in your practice sessions, but the defense attorneys will essentially be going over the same territory.
A major reason to retain the services of a skilled Bronx employment law attorney is to have them by your side during the deposition. It is understandable that you might be nervous as the session begins. However, you are free to ask your Bronx employment law attorney for a break at anytime. That is not going to reflect negatively on your case.
Practice Makes Perfect
Just as you would prepare for a test in school, your Bronx employment law lawyer will want you to prepare for the deposition. It will help to practice your answers out loud. The more you tell your story, the more confident you’ll become. Over the course of their career, your Bronx employment law attorney will have already sat through hundreds of hours of depositions. That’s why they’ll are in the best position to support your claim.
Find Support With Your Bronx Employment Law Attorney
Your Bronx employment law attorney will provide counsel during all phases of your lawsuit. If the claim moves to an actual trial, your deposition will be used as the foundation of your case. The attorneys working at the Law Office of Delmas Costin, Jr. won’t let their clients testify until they are sure they’re totally ready. Call their offices today at 718-618-0589 to set up a consultation to discuss your claim.